Wednesday 16 January 2013

Preliminary Task Evaluation

  • The shot with the phone playing music is not steady.
  • A tripod was used but it wasn't the right size for this shot so it didn't reach the floor, making the shot unsteady.
  • Some shots required from the guide sheet were not taken, such as the shot focusing on the sign on the door.
  • An attempted pull-focus shot was not pulled off, this will have to be practised. 
  • The colour of the setting was a bright green. This upset the white balance on the camera, making the whole shot green.
  • The props were not ideal, and made quickly before filming.
  • Some of the shots were not edited well. Some shots had bad positioning, especially the reverse shots between the two actors. Some shots went on too long.
  • Group planning was quite good, apart from one actor was ill on one day of shooting. This meant that we had minimal time to film the sequence.
  • The storyboard was not done accurately enough, so it was heard to interpret what shots to take.
Evaluation Table:

Quality of Summary 
My honest evaluation- what was done well and what was not of good standard? Try to cite specific example and moments from your video
Examples of strategies, good practices and skills that my group and I will put into place and develop to ensure a main production of high quality.
Quality of holding a shot steady

We didn't have too many problems with steady shots but one shot which was a closeup of the phone wasn't steady and the table was moving. Another shot which wasn't too steady was when the characters were dancing the cameras moving too much. The opening shot was quite still and was panned well down the building. 

To fix the problem of the moving camera while closeup we would have to use a tripod at a specific position. For the dance scene we should have done different shots at different angles.
Quality of the framing of shots 

The reverse shot we have done while the conversation between the two characters is done quite well.  The shot of the character walking along the corridor isn't very well focussed. The last shot is shot over the shoulder of the character and we could've shot it from in front of him to improve the shot. 

To fix the problem of focus we would just have to repeat the shot to perfect out focus. To improve our shots we could shoot it from different angles and see which one looks best. 
Quality of shooting material appropriate to the task set- i.e. the content of your film pre and post editing was consistent with the exam directives
WE had a tick sheet of our script and we had ticked most of the boxes by the time we finished. We didn't track 

Quality of selecting mise-en-scène including colour, figure, lighting, objects and setting;
The main setting of our opening sequence was painted green and we should have applied white balance to fix the colours. The light in the room was also quit dull. Our setting was quite different as we did it in a toilet which meant the objects around would be unexpected. I believe our figure was quite well done.

To improve this for startes we would have to apply white balance to the filming. We would use a different setting more related to the story line and use our own lighting to brighten the room when needed. 
Quality of editing so that meaning is apparent to the viewer

Over all i believe our quality of editing was decent but we could have had improvements to make it more obvious to the viewer. For example when the actors dance in the persons head it isn't clear as in the scene is actually happening or its the character imagining. We could have improved our over the shoulder reverse shots. Something i think we did very well was putting the scene of the pencil case being thrown into two shots. 

 We would have to show the actor thinking at first then the scene blurring into the dance scene to make the audience know whats going on. For our over the shoulder reverse shot we should have shown the Character standing from a high angle to make him look smaller to the main character sitting down. 
Quality of using sound with images and editing appropriately for the task set;
We used sound quite well as the only sound we really used  was a song which is first heard with a music device on the screen and then it is used with the characters dancing. We also used a zip sound at the end which is reacted at by the character being shocked and running away, however this scene isn't very clear with the sound. 

To make the scene better and clearer we could show the zip being opened on the camera with a reverse shot back on the other actor followed by his reaction to the zip opening. 
Quality of positioning and movements of actors
The positioning was quite well as the "bigger man" was sat down while his agent was standing up. Movement could have been better when he is walking into the bathroom to show more of the actor and also in the dance scene one of the characters (the girl) at the back was barely visible. 

To adjust the movement of the actor to look better we could make the camera man move a bit further to show more of his body language. For the dancing scene we could use wider space with the camera shooting at a different angle. 
Quality of group planning, meeting targets, organization 

We managed to plan everything together without any problems and we shot our film in two days with all members present so we didn't have any trouble with that. We didn't meet our targets of the quality of the opening sequence. 

To meet our targets we could spread our filming out to a wider time so we can perfect everything. We could also ask people to help us with acting to improve our planning.
Group dynamics i.e. how did your group work together 
Our Group very well together as we perfectly divided all our work between the 4 people and we had no trouble getting our work completed. We might of had some slight difference in opinion.

To improve we could have different people to do different things to see who does what best. For the opinion problem we could try both ways and see whats better.
Other points of evaluation 
(E.g. equipment related etc) 
We didn't have a hand pod due to which some of the shots came out to be a bit shaky. We also didn't have any additional lighting with us.

We could use a hand pod to shoot from better angles with a support making it easier to shoot. We could use portable lighting in any place lacking good light. 

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