Friday 15 February 2013

'Youth Culture' Definition

The dictionary defines youth culture as "young adults considered as a cultural class or subculture" and "the sum of the ways of living of adolescents; it refers to the body of norms, values, and practices shared and recognised by members of the adolescent society as appropriate guides to actions".

The 'body of norms, values and practices' is what makes up the culture of youths. This can include things such as sport, music, clothing or vocabulary. This is divided up in to sub-categories and sub-cultures with different groups of youths connected by their clothing and taste in music.

Youth culture films specifically, usually refer to the extremes of youth culture at the time of the making of the film. This could include the mods and rockers of the 60s in films such as Quadrophenia, or gang warfare in youths in more modern times in films such as Adulthood. They often show groups of youths joined in their sub-category by their clothing and music, often in a war against another group with opposing ideas.

Quadrophenia, youths of the 60s
Adulthood, youths of today

Our film is set to challenge the generalisation by having the main character be a youth trying to get out of his 'gang' culture to find a better life for himself, as well as another, middle classed character, linked to the main character in an unusual turn of events.

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